The Salvation Army of Cape Fear is building a new Center of Hope (shelter) and Corps
Community Center on its property off Martin Luther King Parkway (1220 N. 30th Street) in Wilmington. The 22-acre complex will allow us to better serve our community and will be the center of our outreach to the five counties we assist (Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover & Pender.)
The Center of Hope will offer better living conditions for our shelter residents and guests. Our
former facility was not equipped to host families or single parents with children. This new facility
will keep families intact, in a safe and secure environment. This is a critical need as we see more and
more single parents with children request housing during their time of crisis.
Our complex will also offer living space for those with special needs. The campus will daily serve
resident and community meals. Community forums indicate this new location will be more
accessible to residents in need of our services and outreach.
The Salvation Army’s Social Services programs will be based in our Center of Hope. Our Life Skills
Program provides critical counseling and services to help residents secure employment and
housing, while obtaining the skills needed to return to their communities.
This new location will provide the privacy and confidentiality necessary for these programs to
expand and reach even more residents in need of our services. Our Life Skills Program works in
partnership with other area community agencies and Cape Fear Community College.
The Corps Community Center will offer recreational and educational services to adults, youth and
families. The programs will include after-school tutoring, business training, as well as a full slate of recreation opportunities.
We will be collaborating with other community agencies including New Hanover County Schools
and work force agencies. This facility will also offer much needed meeting space to the
surrounding community. Our facilities will also serve as an Emergency Shelter for the area’s at-risk population.

The Center of Hope will offer better living conditions for our shelter residents and guests. Our former facility was not equipped to host families or single parents with children. This new facility will keep families intact, in a safe and secure environment. This is a critical need as we see more and more single parents with children request housing during their time of crisis.

The Corps Community Center will offer recreational and educational services to adults, youth and families. The programs will include after-school tutoring, business training, as well as a full slate of recreation opportunities.

Center of Hope Announcement
Salvation Army Officers joined local community and public officials at the formal construction kikckoff announcement at the Harrelson Center.